Nurture your health and wealth with coaching from successful leaders across the globe.

It is our aim to equip you to be your highest and BEST self in this new normal

Rebel Venture Studio For Your Start Up With Dr. Erik Reis

Rebel Venture Studio For Your Start Up With Dr. Erik Reis

Have you ever wanted to create something from nothing?
That is what I call the true American Dream (or anyone’s dream – you don’t need to be American)
Today we will talk about how anything is possible
Dr. Erik Reis is a Co-Founder of Health and Wel…

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Cancer Can‘t Stop Christmas With Mary Jenkins

Cancer Can‘t Stop Christmas With Mary Jenkins

Today we have a very exciting guest with an inspirational message and non profit that could change someone’s holiday season
Mary Jenkins is a 2x Breast Cancer survivor who, while in active treatment turned her pain into purpose when she founded The COC…

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Writing & Publishing A Book Doesn‘t Have To Be Scary

Writing & Publishing A Book Doesn‘t Have To Be Scary

Have you ever wanted to write a book and get it published….but maybe fear was holding you back????
I know that fear – I have lived it (even as recently as THIS YEAR!)
That is EVEN after partnering with today’s guest and helping create a best sellin…

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Tapping Into Your Strengths for Success with Wendy Neu

Tapping Into Your Strengths for Success with Wendy Neu

Do you know your strengths?
How do you play to them or tap into them for yourself AND your team?
Do you have communication issues with your partner or team on any level?
Do you wonder why you aren’t working well with your team?
It may simply be b…

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Heal Your Mind, Heal Your Life With Monica Dubay

Heal Your Mind, Heal Your Life With Monica Dubay

For more than 30 years, Monica Dubay has been an author, speaker, workshop leader, and transformational mentor.
Her first bo…

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My 4 step proven framework – Join my group

My 4 step proven framework – Join my group

In the last 18 months I have had QUITE the journey
Ups and downs
At times I succeeded FAST
And at other times, I got in my own way and was my own bottleneck
At times I just had to put my marriage FIRST and focus on ME
Just because one makes five figu…

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The 3T’s Of Facebook Ads with Dr. Theresa Pantanella

The 3T’s Of Facebook Ads with Dr. Theresa Pantanella

Today we talk about the truth about Facebook ads and how to not get screwed by them and throw money down the toilet
Today’s guest expert, Dr. Theresa, has had major success with paid advertising, especially Facebook and teaches us some tricks today on …

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Your Pathway To Profits With Lead Magnets & Dana Hagstrom

Your Pathway To Profits With Lead Magnets & Dana Hagstrom

Many people know about lead generation with lead magnets
But how do you make it profitable?
What is the best way to keep people engaged AFTER they opt-in?
How does an online marketer make a real lasting income and money while they sleep?
We talk abou…

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Say goodbye to writer’s block with my top secrets

Say goodbye to writer’s block with my top secrets

Do you struggle with writing email content and not really wanting to be a copywriter?
Have no fear!
Do you struggle with writers block when it comes to writing emails?
Do you struggle with writing blog posts or social media posts?
Do you want to know…

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Leadership Lessons with David Rosenberg

Leadership Lessons with David Rosenberg

A leader of one is a leader of many
If you can’t lead one, you can’t lead ANY!
That was my fave John Maxwell quote and I am honored we have a leadership expert with us today!
Interview on Leadership With David Rosenberg
Dave Rosenberg will be my am…

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A stress reduction visualization for the holidays

A stress reduction visualization for the holidays

One of the things that 2020 has taught me is that self care is critical for success in my business AND in my personal life Recently my therapist referred me to the book called The Empath’s Survival Guide by Judith Orloff, MD.It really hit me that this…

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How to monetize an email list in 30 days to $1K

How to monetize an email list in 30 days to $1K

How does one increase income in this digital world? Where does one begin? I teach (and found for myself in last 8 months) that list building is key But then what? You have a list so now what? In this 13 minute video I talk about how to monetize t…

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Creating a Million $$ Personal Brand Image Online

Creating a Million $$ Personal Brand Image Online

Coach Lois interviews Josee Brisebois this week to help YOU LOOK AND FEEL LIKE A MILLION BUCKS!Josee is a celebrated personal stylist with a remarkable professional background.Since 2009, Josee has been creating personal brands and styling speakers, en…

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From Suicide To Soaring High On The Naked Truth Of Wealth

From Suicide To Soaring High On The Naked Truth Of Wealth

“Wrapping up her month on suicide prevention and mental health awareness, Coach Lois interviews a repeat offender guest in Jonathan Bengel, EA, an IRS Enrolled Agent and founder of JB Financial, Founder of Naked Tax Talk and #1 Best Selling amazon Author…

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Grief is a Heart Issue, Not a Head Issue

Grief is a Heart Issue, Not a Head Issue

2020 has brought a lot of grief and loss to the world and many of us, including myself, have had a lifetime of stuffing down our grief/painI learned that the hard way this year with multiple deaths in family and friend circle – and I knew I had to do so…

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3 Shocking Reasons You Need a CRM

As you know the fortune is in the follow up, but how are you getting leads into your funnel TODAY during this new normal without face to face handshakes and business card exchanges? Last week I spoke on 3 online lead generation tips, but then what? F…

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Queer Up Your Life with Wil Fisher of Willfully Living

Join me and Life Coach Wil Fisher to talk about how to LIVE FULLY and be your authentic self.Wil Fisher is an entrepreneur, life coach, facilitator, producer, performer, writer, nonprofit professional and drag queen. After graduating with a BFA in the…

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3 Tips To Online Lead Generation

3 Tips To Online Lead Generation

Join Lois for more FREE coaching and health and wealth and wisdom tools at her facebook group. Or subscribe to her email list for those free gifts and tips at Podcast | Lois Koffi

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Secrets to virtual selling success with Covid 19

How has Covid 19 impacted your business?

Are your sales down?

Are you unemployed and looking to start a new career in sales?

Coach Lois Koffi will use her 20+ year of experience to help you rebound from this recession & make this your best year in your income and in your health! Reduce stress by selling more with ease in less time and transform your business with virtual selling mastery.

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How To Move Forward During Coronavirus

Check out this free webinar on joining our Virtual Global Coaching network

World class coaching every month – private premium group to also network globally
#networking #global #coaching #salestraining #healify #meditation #pandemic

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Working from home successfully

How have you managed your shelter in place?
How Is your mental health/mindset?
How is your time management?
How is your income?
Coach Lois has over 10 years of working from home and has learned how to sell virtually after never doing that before! She is going to share her wisdom from what she learned in the last recession that has paid her til today and beyond!

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