by | Feb 28, 2024 | Uncategorized
At the Lotus Throne, we are fastly becoming experts in emotions like anger, finding the roots are deep in ancestral lineage, and oftentimes, the cause of addictive behaviors Vince came for help for all the above and sat with Kambo frog medicine 🐸 4 times since...
by | Feb 28, 2024 | Podcast
5D Transition Revelations & Preparations <p What the heck is all the talk about 3D versus 5D? What does it really mean? I asked those questions almost 3 years ago when my mentor at that time, Franco, was telling me about it. At first I thought he was...
by | Apr 18, 2023 | Uncategorized
Recently I have decided to speak out about the negative experiences that I’ve heard and experienced first hand with plant medicine/microdosing Especially with how many DIY-ers I see out there now trying to grow their own mushrooms to save money, have access,...
by | Jan 10, 2023 | Uncategorized
In February of 2020, I found an interesting suggestion (seemingly random, I think not!) I found the podcast, Take a Break From Drinking with Rachel Hart (who would later be a guest on MY podcast) It was at a time where I knew I had been drinking way way too much...