Recently I have started helping clients quit smoking with the help of microdosing psilocybin or ayahuasca

I just got off a successful call with a male client yesterday who combined microdosing with hape (a shamanic snuff used as a sacred tool for meditation) AND microdosing with ayahuasca.

In only 30 days, and due to his own serious commitment, sacred intentions AND putting in the work (taking time off from social media, having more down time, etc), I am happy to say he quit smoking.

He didn’t do it cold turkey, which might have worked but hadn’t before

We also agreed that quitting in 30 days may not be realistic

He was open to anything, expecting nothing, taking it one day at a time

With the daily meditations we agreed upon, the daily working with both medicines (ayahuasca and hape) he slowly had realizations about his life, his intentions and his state of Being vs Doing.

He had many awakenings along the way and made some pretty big shifts

We checked in weekly via email and his updates were astounding

He attracted a new/healthy/vibrant relationship in his life

He found more unconditional love for his inner child

Through that….he slowly switched from cigarettes to vaping

THEN, in the end, he stopped vaping (because he didn’t want to transfer a habit to another one just for the sake of replacing it)

You might then wonder, is he still microdosing or working with hape?

So far, nope!

Microdosing, or working with hape, doesn’t have to become a long term habit – in fact, if it is for you, you may want to consider if it is becoming addictive or really working.

I have seen adverse long term effects when someone relies on plant medicine, microdosing or hape without doing the shadow work or meditation, energy balancing, central nervous system work, etc.

Much like supplements or pharmaceuticals, we have believed a lie that these tools are a forever thing or that they must be consumed daily

Those are some of the biggest dependencies and addictions out there (pharmaceuticals and supplements)

Our ancestors didn’t do that and even now, I don’t work with hape daily myself or even microdose at all.

If you are looking for a way to quit smoking, or some other addictive behavior, consider working with me and microdosing inside of my 30 day jumpstart

Or maybe you don’t have an addiction, you simply want MORE out of life!  

Just 30 days, no commitments beyond that.

And it is super affordable too (and, like my client, you may actually find yourself in the black financially because my program is less than a few months worth of alcohol or smoking cost)

Much like the client above, I won’t judge you for having an addiction or a habit that doesn’t serve you any longer, we will simply work together to get to the root cause and how you can then create a lasting change.

Keep in mind, results can and will vary – this client had already done an incredible amount of work leading up to this point.

With that being said, the one time 30 day investment will now save him tons of money since he wont be buying cigarettes or vaping expenses.  

And more in touch with his inner child.

And now he even has a relationship with himself AND a new partner that are fulfilling any void he thought he had that smoking was actually trying to fill.

We will work on the following (NOT just microdosing):

1. Mediation
2. Spiritual practice
3. Nutrition
4.  Inner child healing/shadow work
5. Energy/chakra balancing (OPTIONAL BUT ENCOURAGED)
6.  Kundalini yoga (OPTIONAL BUT ENCOURAGED)

My only ask is that you go ALL IN

This is not a trial gym membership where you sign up and don’t go to the gym

If you can’t go ALL IN on YOU for 30 days now, when will that time come?

You are worth it!

You deserve the best version of YOU and so does the planet, your family, your kids, your co-workers/clients and all that you touch.

Email me at and let’s set up a no strings attached, FREE consultation to take your life to the next level

if you have never heard of hape, CLICK HERE to read more about that.  I do coach hape initiations and how to work with hape in a sacred/healing way for mental, physical and emotional healing.   NOTE:  Hape is NOT a substance, like some presume.  Even though it is tobacco related, when used in a sacred way it is not habit forming or needed to use long term.

PS  If you really want to live a life of freedom from addiction or unhealthy habits, scientifically can take up to 6 months for a total transformation.   I will be releasing my 6 months to freedom program for 1-1 client applicants soon.  Email me if you want to be on the wait list for that at

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