Since starting my own health journey 24 years ago, as well as my first career in sales, I have learned just how much our health and wealth (aka money and relationships) are all interconnected

Because they are 100% an extension of ourselves

It all starts and ends with YOU

Today I wanna talk about that

If you aren’t happy with your results in your life, all one can do is look in the mirror

If you’ve ever heard that phrase, “as within, so without!”, that’s what I mean

I must admit, I didn’t understand that phrase 24 years ago

Heck, if I am honest with myself, I didn’t really “get it” four years ago either

What does that phrase, “as within, so without”, really mean?

Having seen so many people fail at new year’s resolutions, however, as well as my own journey with grief and addiction recovery, man oh man, do I GET it now!

We all have inborn in us such great potential that is just waiting to be tapped into and brought outside of ourselves to accomplish great goals, dreams, desires

I believe that wholeheartedly

I believe YOU are a winner, you just gotta go out and pursue life with dreams, goals and PASSION

Yet, why is it, that some people appear to be “luckier” than others and make it through life with more positivity and ease than some?

It’s because they are working on their inner game ALL the time

They are more, in what I call, mind/body/spirit alignment

And from my own journey of healing, as well as coaching over 20,000 people over the past 24 years in health, fitness and business (and now grief and addiction recovery), I have collected/amassed so much data

Just as much as I believe we are all WINNERS

I also KNOW that I KNOW, that we also all have trauma, limiting beliefs, wounding from childhood and adulthood events that some people just never recover from

BECAUSE they were out of alignment for too long



Moving unexpectedly

Financial crisis or business failures

Even happy events such as moving away or having your kids all graduate and move on (aka empty nesting) can leave quite a wound or void in our hearts/lives/minds/bodies and spirits….and if we aren’t working on ourselves daily in some capacity, it doesn’t take long to “miss the mark” or get off course

I was there, and have seen thousands of people, usually in their 40s-60s, get to a point where they were so off course, they lost their truth and sight of themselves

I was there!

I missed the mark for nearly a decade in business, put my health on the back burner, lost track of my priorities in life….essentially losing myself in alcohol and unhealthy toxic friendships/business mentor choices…that I was sooooo far off the mark, I didn’t know who the hell I was anymore. 

By the time I was in my 40s and my kids were both headed toward double digit ages, I had TOTALLY lost sight of my big picture….and got caught up in the muck and mire of bills, day to day tasks, overwhelming amounts of responsibilities, kids/family/partner, etc.

I had put myself DEAD last and was swimming in unprocessed grief/victim consciousness….and didn’t know where to begin to get out of that FUNK I found myself in of autopilot living.

But I got back on track in 2020 and can honestly say I am at the happiest version of me I have seen since maybe the year 2004! 

Over 21 years later, I got my GROOVE back!

I believe my BEST is yet to come as I head closer to 50 years of age.

And now I wanna help other women (and some good men!) get their groove back so they can manifest their best health, their best wealth by rediscovering their best wisdom within themselves

Just like the air traffic control is there to help navigate a plane safely from take off to landing – helping others get to where they wanna go safely, often on vacation or finding a destination that is mostly positively helping their lives or livelihood. 

An air traffic controller is responsible for monitoring and directing the movement of aircraft on the ground and in the air, ensuring their safe separation by issuing instructions to pilots via radio, including takeoff and landing clearances, while also providing critical information like weather updates and runway closures to maintain efficient air traffic flow; essentially, their primary role is to prevent collisions and guide aircraft through the airspace safely and effectively. 

Who is your air traffic controller in your life?
Where do you wanna go in 2025?
In this year of the Snake, where it is all about shedding that which no longer serves?
Do you believe you can improve your health this year?
Do you believe you can improve your financial goals or business this year?
What about relationships?
It ALL starts and ENDS with you.
And finding that right coach or guide to navigate your journey.
How will you stay on track with your goals and dreams?
How do you decide what is best when it comes to your health, wealth and relationships and accomplishing your dreams/desires and goals in life?
AND what if I told you it could all improve in just 66 days??
With the right help?
After coaching thousands of people, and from my own lived personal experience, I can say this is true!
The “66 days” concept refers to the average amount of time it takes for a new behavior to become a habit, based on research from University College London, which found that most people need around 66 days of consistent practice to solidify a new habit and perform it automatically; this timeframe can vary depending on the individual and the complexity of the habit itself.
The first 21-30 days, you are unlearning some of the old “bad” habits that came from limiting beliefs, self sabotage and autopilot activity
The next 21-30 days, you are just starting to truly consistently practice solidifying that habit
It’s that NEXT final home stretch toward 90 days that you can find that humble beginnings of “OH, I get it now!  I can keep going!  This feels good!”
Do you have any goals/dreams for the next 90 days as we start looking toward springtime?
What about your health (mental, physical or spiritual/emotional)?
Do you want to move your body more?
Quiet your mind?  Sleep better?
Eat healthier or overcome emotional eating?
Maybe navigate your emotional outbursts better?
Improve your relationships (first with yourself and put your own oxygen mask first)?
Maybe make yourself better so you can ATTRACT a better relationship in your life?  Both in business and in pleasure?
Maybe you wanna improve or create a deeper spiritual practice?
Maybe you wanna save/invest/spend more wisely and build for a brighter tomorrow?
Get out of debt, for good perhaps?
ANYTHING IS POSSIBLE when you put your mind to it!
If any of this resonates and you are tired of doing it “all yourself”
And you want MORE for this life this year, email me at
Let’s talk!
I offer up 1-1 healthy n wealthy n wise mentorships as well as 66 day programs for women
My vision this year is to serve 100 women in having the experience of their lives and shedding their skin that no longer serves them this year!
Contact me for more information as this is NOT a one size fits all mentorship opportunity
CLICK HERE if you want to see  abit more about my journey and overall offerings
But we can co-create the BEST option for your, to ensure you get the right Mind/Body/Spirit ALIGNMENT and tune up for YOU and your amazing life
For I believe, YOU are a winner
The BEST is yet to come!
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