Can you believe it is 2025?

This year has been talked about for a long time by so many in the astrology and spiritual world as a powerful transformational year

In numerology it is what they call a 9 year (2+0+2+5)

A year of endings and completions

So many are getting divorced, changing jobs, moving away, ending business partnerships, and really transforming from the inside out

I am blessed to be on the front lines of this with clients that are in the trenches of shadow work, deep physical and spiritual cleansing and rituals/practices to heal their mind, so they can have CLARITY and move forward with grounded decisions in their life.  It is such a gift!

Before 2025 started I already had chosen my health, wealth and relationship goals AND  theme/word of the year that can be my mantra or heartbeat….that can keep me going no matter what

We all know New Year’s resolutions do NOT work

In my recent workshop series I taught about how to write out your theme/mantra or even an I AM statement to help represent your TRUE NORTH (your truth) as a guiding light also for setting boundaries

My word for 2025 is FREEDOM!

I want to take a huge step in the direction of health freedom (get more and more into the idea of remission of my autoimmune disease)

As a result of that word and focus, guess what?

JUST YESTERDAY, I met a woman who helps women go into remission for their autoimmune disease issues.  And I also found a new ayurvedic medicine teacher that is so supportive and loving and generous with her wisdom and I’ve seen improvements in my health already in 30 days of connecting with her at that level

You can’t make this stuff up!

I want to find financial freedom and create more wealth for myself

And guess what?

I had a 12 week year accountability partner reach out to me before Christmas (seemingly randomly) and he has been a wealth of knowledge as a finance guy to give me tips on financial matters, wealth creation and is holding me accountable to this for the next 12 weeks (as will my coach)

I also want to have relationship freedom – much fewer, but also MUCH deeper/richer authentic relationships, especially with women.  I actually set that intention last November.

Guess what????

Before 2025, but also last week and yesterday, I found groups of women who are truly deep and authentic and you can just FEEL their hearts and warmth.  Which made me feel safe and mirror back my own heart and warmth.

Which opens up collaboration opportunities and I met at least 2 women in an online networking space that I can see major potential with.  

Opportunities galore are opening up because I AM open AND I am reflecting on my word of FREEDOM and writing down a bunch of core values and subsets of what truly matters to me in this journey.

Now, someone might say that that sounds like I am bragging….and I am not.

I just want to show evidence that this isn’t some woo woo thing

Getting clear on your heart felt theme or word or mantra – whatever resonates for you, is soooo key

It’s MORE important than your goals or resolutions (if you still set those!)

WHat do you really WANT this year?

Take a moment – close your eyes and take a deep breath

Get centered…..go into your heart space

What, stripped down after all the achieved items on the list, is at the CORE of what you want/deserve/desire?







Once you figure that out, start writing your new year’s goals from there

CLICK HERE if you wanna attend my last January/new year’s 12 week year workshop for spiritual entrepreneurs that is coming up this Friday, Jan 10th at 10 a.m.

This is a powerful time to be writing goals, but also connecting with your heart space

This workshop is designed to honor both the feminine and masculine within you

You’ll create your one word mantra or phrase
You’ll write your 2025 vision (or beyond)
You’ll set 2 goals to go all in on the next 3 months (too many goals = failure)
And you’ll receive a healing of some shadow/wounding that may be holding you back!
Walk away inspired and ready to GROW for 2025

If there is anything I can do to serve/support you in 2025, please let me know!

Email me at and let’s have a free or low fee coaching session (I only ever offer ONE TIME free session for life, then it is $100 for the next session, which is more than 50% off my normal rate)

If you are still reading this, know that you matter

You deserve it

You are worthy

You are enough!

You are capable!

No one succeeds alone!

And YOU, my friend, are not alone, unless you choose to be

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