I am proud to announce and share my own grief/depression/mental health story that has been in progress of mental/physical/spiritual healing for 2 years now that was highlighted on the launch of @webdelics TODAY

2021-2022 were two years I will never forget

They will forever be known as the years I literally saved my life and had a spiritual identity crisis by going to places I had never gone before
Deeply inside myself
Leveraging the use of plant medicine (aka psychedelics)
Whether you share my newfound bias FOR these medicines (and yes, I said medicines NOT drugs) or not, this podcast may just be for you
One that may open your mind and help you along the way
OR maybe you are tired of this mental health crisis we are in
I’ve lost way too many people to suicide, addiction and even those that were still alive that were emotionally shut down due to their own trauma and unresolved inner work
Some of you may wonder – why is she sharing so much vulnerability and deep dark truths about her journey so openly…
It took a shitload of courage and overcoming of fears and realizing that this is why I am here in this lifetime
Why I’ve lost nearly 20 people to suicide, alcoholism, drug addiction and wept so bitterly so many times….before going numb because I didn’t know how to BE with grief or process depression other than to go 1000 miles per hour as a human DOING for 15 years before it caught up with me
And I don’t believe I am alone
In fact, after talking to thousands since the pandemic, I know I am NOT alone
And I can’t be silent anymore
There is a movement happening behind the scenes of our planet and it’s BIG and many are waking up to the same realizations that I have had the past 2 years.
Myths and ancestral/societal programming that don’t come from a place of love and compassion can shatter your life.
Letting go of those unhealthy constructs can change it.
Myths have taken our culture into crisis.
Letting go can set us free.
My own myths — and maybe yours — helped create that crisis.
Are you willing to let go?
And make no mistake, our culture IS in crisis — a mental health crisis of unprecedented proportion.
According to 2022 stats:
⚡️20% of adult Americans are experiencing a mental illness.
⚡️11.5 million report having had serious suicidal thoughts last year and over 19 million have a drug addiction.
⚡️90% of Americans believe we are in the midst of a mental health crisis.
(and these are just the reports we know about)
Why is this?
Where does one begin to get to the ROOTS of this dis-ease and unsettled-ness that our culture at large has created the past thousands of years?
The world is a beautiful place…and yet with those numbers above, and my own personal journey, this is all too sobering and thought provoking.
it’s time to wake up and come together on this with love and compassion
I will write about and share more on my Healthy N Wealthy N Wise podcast about what I have learned from plant medicines and my own inner work journey these past 24 months – in getting to my own Truth of mental health, depression, grief, healing, unconscious beliefs, suicidal thoughts and more
We are passionate about the mental health crisis and appreciate if you do think of someone you can forward this on to (only if you feel called)


The first four episodes are :

  • Episode #1: A Future of Possibilities. Setting the stage for a journey of exploration into a brave new world of plant medicine and psychedelics, and explaining why this subject is so very important.
  • Episode #2: Opening the Doors to a Brave New World. Manesh Girn, The Psychedelic Scientist and neuroscientist, gives us the 101 on psychedelics.
  • Episode #3: The Medicines of Tomorrow. Marcus Glennon (psychopharmacology PhD student) and Lois Koffi (i.e., the 2 of you!!!) share their professional and personal experiences with psychedelics. 
  • Episode #4: Assumptions, Questions, and Curiosity About Psychedelics. Five guests from all walks of life, with varying degrees of knowledge about psychedelics, come together to ask their questions.

Future episodes cover everything from psychedelics and the law & public policy, to race relations and psychedelics, to the impact of psychedelic use on ethical, religious, and spiritual practices.  We even discuss yoga and psychedelics! I have also just finished recording an unforgettable episode discussing psychedelics as a way to deal with the end of life.

Please download, like, share and subscribe! It would be immensely appreciated if you could:

  • Download and subscribe on Apple & Spotify
  • Alternatively, subscribe to the YouTube channel & leave a positive comment.
  • Share the word about what we’re doing with your network 
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