Do you struggle with sleep?

Or an unfocused “ADHD” mind?

Have you ever felt challenged with meditation?

Or maybe had a “busy ADHD mind” that impacted your sleep at night and daily work life?

And maybe, just maybe, those two are connected?

It is a scientific fact that when one meditates more, they usually sleep better

Part of it is that it helps regulate your central nervous system and gets you out of fight or flight states and more into the parasympathetic central nervous system

HOWEVER, the key there is to even GET to meditate and meditate WELL

I was there myself a couple years ago

Then I found hape, a shamanic snuff found in the Amazon, that is a legal tool that helps people meditate, as well as work with health challenges.

Today, indigenous tribes in the Amazon basin continue to use hapé in all aspects of life, from formal ritual use in rites of puberty, initiation, cashiri drinkings festivals, social gatherings and healing ceremonies, to simply tuning into Nature and the healing power of sacred plant medicines alone or with friends.

While it is powerful and life changing, it also is not safe to figure out how to work with this medicine on your own. It can make you sick, cause detox, as well as be misused or abused (it is a tobacco base)

When used correctly, it can improve sleep, aid in digestion, dramatically create a deep/calm meditate state, work with autoimmune diseases, ground and cleanse your body/mind and so many other health benefits.

I now offer hape initiations for those already on their healing path, already familiar with hape and who want to build a sacred relationship with this life changing medicine.

My repeat client, Belinda, came to me for her next level training to achieve improved meditation and some health related goals she still struggled with due to an unregulated central nervous system.

It exceeded her expectations!

She now sleeps much better
AND meditate deeply while natural lowering her cortisol levels 

It also helped improve her digestive system (ALL of this helps improve sleep!)

here is what she had to say after 30 days in this initiation.

“My experience with The Lotus Throne and Magdalena’s hape initiation was exactly what I needed to build out my meditation practice. Before I found hape and started building a relationship with the medicine, I was on a plateau with my meditation/connection practice. It wasn’t bad, but I was looking for a deeper connection. What I didn’t anticipate was all of the additional improvements I experienced when starting to work with hape.

As someone who deals with high cortisol levels and the ADHD racing brain, I didn’t expect to see a big change, just had hoped for a little help in quieting my mind when meditating.

After a couple of weeks working with hape, I started noticing I was sleeping significantly better. Instead of waking up 5-6 times a night, I’m only waking up 2-3.

It might not seem amazing to people who sleep well, but anyone who has sleeping issues, going from to waking up 5 times a night to 2 is absolutely amazing.

I also didn’t expect the impact of hape helping calm my brain while meditating to also carry over through my daily life. I’ve found it a lot easier to be less reactive and move on from interactions in a positive manner. Part of my current journey is working on resetting my nervous system and to get myself out of being in fight constantly. I knew there was the possibility of hape helping out, but I didn’t expect how much it has helped me. Working with Magdalena and the hape initiation was the step I needed to get off the plateau I was on.

The prep work called out several insights to the process and why I wanted to start work with hape.

If you’re thinking of working with hape and Magdalena I would say go for it. Set some time up to talk through if it is the right path for you. From what I have picked up from hape while working with it over the last +month, is that it isn’t here to ‘cure’ anything. It is here to help, to act as an encouraging hug, to help clear up noise, to help support you in what your intentions are. It’s here to help you on your journey, but you have to be willing to tackle all aspects of yourself, dark and light before working with hape.

If you have any questions, email me at
and let’s discuss if hape is the right medicine for you.

PLEASE NOTE: Hape is legal to utilize AND is also NOT for everyone. I will do a proper health and addiction screening to ensure this is the right path for you!

We can set up a FREE, no strings attached consultation to help you discern if this or something else we offer can help you sleep better, poop better, have more focus and freedom in your life and meditation practice
You deserve that!

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