Having been in the weight loss industry in one way or another for 17 years and working with over 10,000 people since the year 2000 in health and fitness (often weight loss and strength training), I have seen a LOT of myths around weight loss and cleanses/detoxification systems

I’ve shed 30 lbs myself after being a binge drinking workaholic with a lot of challenges in life over the past 14 years….I never imagined myself being in that position given all I know!

I even fell to these myths below in my own desperation of shedding the unwanted weight the past 2 years

here are the top 3 myths that I have seen and thought I would share since it is a topic that has come up with my addictive behaviors challenge as well as what I’ve seen with clients who are working through trauma and emotional processing

1. Weight loss with cleansing products/foods is permanent – often times cleanses are only focused on the the food and/or products that are purchased to help with the cleanse or detox or fast and are an extreme shift for many.   So once the detox or cleanse is over, if one goes back to the “old” food choices/patterns and behaviors that are unconscious, the cleanse effects will not “stick”.
It’s the next steps and behaviors that are in alignment that can help that become more permanent.

2.  Weight loss is only physical – therefore calorie counting/fasting and/or working out is all that is needed

Weight loss is connected to mental/physical/emotional AND spiritual.   Weight gain is almost always much deeper than the physical.  The source of most emotional eating is a deeply rooted wound or trauma that has impacted the spiritual.  When triggered, the emotional pain body/unconscious leads us to take actions that are not in alignment – ie emotional eating or drinking.   Those behaviors become patterns that over time lead to weight gain.  So if we only focus on the physical or even abstinence model of cleansing or fasting, the weight will not leave for good.  And often times can lead to binge and restrict patterns that impact our neurotransmitters and hormones, as well as vital organs are stressed, which will impact the physical and mental health.   Our body craves structure and balance – so if we only focus on the physical, that in itself isn’t balanced.  it is a mind/body AND spirit focus (emotional pain body is inside of all of that)

3.  Doing more than one cleanse per quarter will make a bigger difference than just one per year and can be done alone with ease.

Having tried fasting or cleanses on my own and backfiring EVEN as a very disciplined Virgo, I have found for myself and seen for thousands, that no one succeeds on this journey alone.   Especially if you take this from a balanced perspective of mind/body and spirit.  I’ve coached many many countless groups on cleansing and nutrition since 2000 and the group support effect is so so critical to helping one not feel alone on this path. We deserve a guide or a mirror to help us see the blind spots of our self sabotage behaviors.  I’ve also seen that many think that just doing a cleanse once a quarter will be the answer.  Cleansing is intense and not something most of our bodies can handle more than once or twice a year and it not meant to be a crutch or band aid to shed pounds.   In fact, it can deplete you in ways that you don’t understand.

Food is our medicine and yet oftentimes can be misused

I hope you find these myths and my shares helpful

I was able to shed my 30 lbs and then some with the knowledge and wisdom I was reminded of through my own journey these past couple of years.

NOW more than ever, if you don’t fuel your body properly, as well as shift and heal your mind/spirit and emotional pain body along with it, most weight loss programs and cleanses won’t work

In fact, they can leave you challenged and feeling “not enough” or “less than”

Especially if you compare yourself to someone else’s journey

Now I am putting together an affordable and TOTAL SPRING CLEANING CLEANSE experience

For your mind body and spirit!

IF you want help to clear out the clutter from winter comfort foods and drinks galore AND Cleanse the emotional baggage/addictive behaviors and help you RESPOND to life versus being triggered all the time, I can help!

If you have unwanted weight also, this is for you

CLICK HERE to sign up for my FREE info session on March 30th

Forward to a friend you know is struggling

It can be a great cleanse to do with a partner or accountability buddy for sure

Misery doesn’t have to love company – we can all get through this thing together!

You’ve got this

Here’s to your best health!

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