Healthy N Wealthy N Wise

with Lois Koffi

Magnify & Monetize Your Purpose to $7 Figures with Ike Ikokwu

Many of us have found ourselves feeling hopeless a time or two (or more) in our lifetime.

Ike Ikokwu knows a thing or two about that, having lost and made 7 figures multiple times in the last two decades since 9/11.

He also has a desire/passion (as do I) to put an end to hopelessness and help you magnify your message, your mission, your purpose AND make money!!!

Lots and lots of money AND take time off!

Lots and lots of time off!

Sound good to you?

We talk about that today.

Executives, Entrepreneurs, Aspiring and Existing Coaches hire Ike Ikokwu to leverage their purpose, passion, pain, wisdom and experience into becoming Seven Figure Mentors who’ve built a Thriving High Impact Coaching Practice.

Using a Turn-Key Business Coaching Model his clients overcome inconsistent cashflow by creating systems to predictably attract, convert, and retain high ticket coaching clients that have both a need and the financial means to compensate them for the value they deliver.

Today, he’s one of the most talented advisors in the business world. Having overcome many adversities to achieve his own success in life, Ike can change the way we think about things, the way we feel about things, and he can help us change our results like no one else you’ve ever seen.

He is the President of The Coachanaire Institute, where their mission is to create 10,000 Seven-Figure Mentors who will help end hopelessness globally.


AND sign up for our 7 figure Solopreneur masterclass on Aug 17th as well

CLICK HERE for the 3 hour masterclass

It’s the one two punch to rocket launch your next 6 months and beyond!

We want to get you to 5 figures a month AND beyond with ease, fun and passion, all while magnifying your purpose!

Find Ike and Lois, and all her amazing guests, inside her Facebook group at

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