Healthy N Wealthy N Wise

with Lois Koffi

Age of Aquarius Relationships & Partnerships

With Pluto going into Aquarius this past weekend, the world is going to change more and more at a faster rate


2024 is going to be an epic year of deconstruction and change


In health

In wealth

In relationships

People no longer want to make money for the sake of making money – they want to make money in a meaningful way, that is from their heart (hello Great Resignation)

People no longer want to be in a dead end job and are starting their own businesses (or trying to at least)

Many couples are uncoupling or divorcing at a faster rate than ever – and trying to figure themselves out internally, to not repeat the past relationships

Times are changing in financial arenas as well with the world economy changing and even some saying money is going to not exist much longer (this can be very weird to think of)

So if we are wanting to attract better partners, better clients, more money, better health…..we’ve got to BE better inside ourselves

This new era is all about LOVE (self love and compassion required first) and raising our vibration to manifest faster/better/stronger and have less headaches and heartaches (and financial breaks) as a result

How do we do that?

How do we BE that?

I will give you tips today on this and how I’ve improved my health, my finances and my relationships (including my marriage) with focusing on the inner work

AND if you want to learn more about our tips as a married partner/couple, tune in on Friday for our next episode sharing our best tips to help you attract better or simply improve your current relationship







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